Welcome to International Science Technology Engineering Competition (ISTEC 2024)

Igniting Minds, Inspiring Innovation

The Global student research competition
to find solution to problem around the world

We've got a solid count of 1426 participants on board!

Sign Here !


How ISTEC 2024 Works?

To develop skills of scientific research and the spirit of innovation, we looking for young scientist around the world to join this competition and test their ability to making a research and innovation. This is the fifth times ISTEC will be held in Bali, Indonesia. Don’t miss it and register your team now to join this competition!


Our Service

Facility On Competition

Exhibition Booth

Conference is boring? Exhibition would be nice :)

City Tour

Bali is wonderful island in Indonesia, you won't regret it

Company Visit

Working on it, something great is coming

Medal & Certificate

Medal and International Certificate as a reward

Let's Participate !

Sign Here

Our Partners

Meet All Partners

SEAMEO QITEP in Science, Indonesia


MYSO, Malaysia

FEGNe, Kenya

Fundacion Club Ciencias, Chile

ICIJA, Spain

Inspo Science, Canada

Cientec, Peru

MAGMA, Spain

RYES, Russia

Science de Mexico, Mexico

Science Buddies, Africa

BOSEPO, Bosnia

The Union of Arab Academic, MENA

WIFA Global

ICSC, Kazakhstan


ISTEC 2024 Information

Gallery ISTEC

Information About Our Events

ISTEC Phase 2024

Participate on your own or in team (max 5 people), and compete against teams from around the world, The top team will invited to Bali.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • ISTEC 2024 has 4 category brackets: Elementary Students, Junior Highschool Students, Senior Highschool Students and College Students. Regardless of age, participants compete in the same phase and do the task. However, we only compare participants within their category brackets. This means we score the four brackets independently and normalise scores within each. Semi-finalists, grand-finalists, and winners are those with the highest normalised scores. This ensures fair comparison regardless of age.

  • 1. Registration (until March, 30th)
    2. Announcement Administration Selection (Max 3 days after you send the administration)
    3. Announcement Abstract Selection (Max 3 days after you send the abstract)
    4. Invitation Goes to Bali for Final Exhibition and Judgement Session of ISTEC 2024 (May, 2nd – 5th)

  • ISTEC 2024 has 3 phases after the registration, i.e. Administration Selection, Abstact Selection, and Grand Finals. Announcement Administration Selection (Max 3 days after you send the administration), Announcement Abstract Selection (Max 3 days after you send the abstract), and Grand Final (May, 2nd – 5th).

  • 1. Create your account here. You will directed to Account Dashboard.
    2. Register your team via Dashboard Account. Complete your registration by filling the form. Leader, Mentor, and Abstract must be ready.
    3. You have 7 days for edit your data (adding team members, improving abstracts, etc) before system automatically click "Send."
    4. There will be 3 Phases competition, i.e. Administration Selection, Abstact Selection, and Grand Finals.
    5. The Committee will check the administration after you click "Send" button. Please wait until the committee contact you soon after the Administration Selection is done.
    6. If you pass, The Committee will check the Abstract please kindly wait and will contact you about your abstract, either it’s accepted or you need work on you abstract a little bit.
    7. If you make it, you will invited to the Grand Finals! Please be ready with your exhibition things like (PPT/Prezi/Canva), video, laptop, poster, or anything that needed for exhibition.

    Please see the guidebook here for another details.

  • We see a lot of competitions out there that have very little competition atmosphere. With a conference format like ours, participants will be encouraged to do their best when presenting before the jury. When participants present, no one can help but themselves. This is where the expected competitive atmosphere is built. Despite the competition, development and desire for research is more important. Making friends with other people who share the same passion will help keep participants on track

  • This year our team choose Bali as the host of ISTEC 2024. Bali, the famed Island of the Gods, with its varied landscape of hills and mountains, rugged coastlines and sandy beaches, lush rice terraces, and volcanic hillsides all providing a picturesque backdrop to its colorful, deeply spiritual, and unique culture stakes a serious claim to be paradise on earth.


Contact Us


Jalaprang St. No.4, Sukaluyu, Cibeunying Kaler District, Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia 40123

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